Camp Jeep Virginia! July 2004 / CampJeep2004BS_ Raj Attacking Trail H Rock Hill

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We were nearly late for the trail ride, which meant we were almost last in line. The trail guide in back talked to Raj about the trail before we left. She said, "There is a big rock hill on this trail. You can go over it or around it. Now, I'm not saying what you should do. BUT, since you are in the back, EVERY other driver will stop and watch to see how you will handle this."

Well, of course, now we had to give it a shot. When we got there, we actually heard people say, "Oh, it's a Grand Cherokee," and start to walk away. The other guide on the rocks started to navigate us around. To everyone's surprise, Raj said, "I would like to try going over the rocks." He added with a smile, "After all, that's why God invented insurance, right?" There was a surprised and very excited stir in the crowd, and everyone turned to see what would happen. The Grand Cherokee is big, and there was a hairpin turn to avoid scraping up the paint or denting the body of the car. There were a couple of tree stumps and rocks that threatened the skid plates beneath. But Raj and the Grand Cherokee did fine! We navigated the obstacle no problem! Don't tell us the Grand Cherokee can't do it! People applauded as we drove by. At the end of the trail, another guide came up to shake Raj's hand, saying we did what he didn't think he could have done in his own Grand Cherokee. We ran into the guide who encouraged us to do this in the first place. She said to Raj, "That was great! No other Grand Cherokee on this ride attempted that! In fact, you guys are the VERY FIRST Grand Cherokee to ever do that! I didn't want to tell you that before the ride, because then you wouldn't have done it." She then winked and walked away, leaving us in stunned silence.
By the way, that dent you see under the passenger door in the photo was not from this Camp Jeep. It's from last year. Click here for more info. This year, we came home dirtier than ever, but without a scratch.